Thursday, 24 March 2011

Evaluating what our target audience would watch

  1. How many suspense films were released in 2009? How many films were released altogether last year?
31 suspense films were released in 2009 but altogether 503 films were released.

  1. Action, animations and comedy from 52% of Box Office in the UK in 2009. Why do you think these genres are so popular?
Thriller films have an age limit on them so; it wipes out half of the target audience that come to the cinema. However, action, comedy and animation appeal to all ages so therefore everyone watches them and they are very popular as young people watch them and they are the main audience that come to the cinema.  

  1. Why do you think thrillers account for quite a low proportion of UK Box Office takings (4% in 2009)?
Thriller films have an age limit on them, 15-18 that wipes out half of the people that watch film in the cinema, and they are targeted to mid-age people. More teenagers watch films in the cinema which means they can not watch thriller films. Moreover, it is hard to make a good thriller film.

  1. Looking at the ‘genre by gender’, what information can be derived about thriller audience and gender.
  Thriller films are normally made for female audience to watch not male.

  1. Look at the age certification for 10 of the films featured on the teaching blog. What does this tell you about thriller audience?
They are targeted at mid-aged people mainly rated 15-18 age group but there are two, which are, rated PG the Stepfatehr and Jaws. this tells me that thriller films are mainly for mid-aged audience.  

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